Words Are Powerful
The written word is the most powerful tool, and weapon, known to man…
Can you imagine a world without the written word? I can’t. Unlike the spoken word, which can quickly fade away, even with today’s technology, the written word has unlimited reach and staying power. The written word can move you to action or emotion. Laws are written, History is written, recipes are written, religious books are written, fantastic tales are written. While each has a very different style and purpose, each moves us in a very different way.
I am a writer by trade and passion, but I am also an avid reader. I have read literally hundreds of books of all types and genre’s, yet I’m am still moved to tear, or laughter, or fear when reading a well written story. When the story was written has no bearing on this. A new action adventure or an old mystery, the power of the written word knows no boundary.
As a reader we should not have boundary’s either. While we all have our favorite genre and writers, we should allow ourselves to explore. Maybe pick one book a month outside your normal list and give it a try. Who knows, maybe you’ll find a new favorite, or even possibly learn something(shocking I know). At the very least you will have broadened your mental horizon for short while.
Happy reading.
PS: This will probably be my last post on wordpress.com. I am merging this with my wordpress.org site sometime this week. If all goes as planned I will bring all my current followers with me. If you get lost please accept my apologies. Here is the link to the new site ~ https://richardstephens.me/